Tuesday, October 24, 2006

April 14, 2006 WTHI-TV Channel 10 Interview

The morning of April 14th Mike Grant, Southern Indiana Bureau Chief for WTHI-TV channel 10, called me with interest in my family's story. He arrived late morning packing all kinds of sound and camera equiptment. My two boys were so excited to have an "important" visitor in our home. As with any interview one only hopes to be accurately portrayed. Mr.Grant stayed true to who my family is and what the Mrs.Illinois America system is about. Of course we called all of our family to let them know the full story would air on the 10pm newscast. My parents had a small viewing party made up of my siblings and their families. I anxiously awaited the telecast and watched at work with one of my good friends and co-workers, Melissa K. I was delighted with the finished product and even more proud to have two incredible little boys. When my oldest was asked "What do you think about Mom being Mrs.Illinois?" he mischievously sang his reply "booorrring". You see, at home, crown or no crown I am still exactly who I am supposed to be, Mom.

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