Saturday, August 04, 2007

Mrs.Illinois America 2007 Pageant Weekend

Our pageant weekend started out with my boys and I traveling to Elgin, IL for the big competition. My guys are always so excited about the pageant weekend. The host hotel has a pool with a mushroom waterfall and dinosaur slide, so Bay and Jackson enjoy the time we spend there...and so the weekend began.

One of the best "unlisted" gifts as Mrs. Illinois America is the wall of photos at Marcie's home. When I first visited her home I saw she has a beautiful framed photo of each of her titleholders on a special wall. Above is a photo of me presenting my director Marcie with my crowning photo.

The 27 year tradition of the Mrs.Illinois America pageant has brought many exemplary women through the doors of the Hemmen's Theater. All of those ladies have had the wonderful experience of working with Tracey Tarantino of ZZAZZ productions, the pageant choreographer. I appreciate her focus and attention to detail. Tracey, thanks for all of your time and energy!

Mrs. Norris City, Kristen Melton, and I were visiting while she waited for her interview. Her hometown is only 1 1/2 hours from Flora. She and Mrs.Vandalia, Holly Torbeck, were the two ladies from the southern part of the state.

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