Friday, January 19, 2007

Provena Hospital

After a wonderful lunch in Danville we were off to Provena Hospital. I had been invited to tour the Obstetrical Unit, which was quite appropriate since I am currently an Obstetrical RN. Their unit is beautiful. It was so exciting to get the "inside scoop" and really makes me look forward to the opening of our new OB unit at Richland Memorial Hospital where I am employed. One of the mothers was excited to have us there and even had me take a photo with her newborn. She said it will go in his baby book to remember the hospital stay. He and I are in the first photo together. The next photo is of the Chief Operating Officer, Chief Nurse Executive Michael L. Brown as he is being "crowned". The last photo is with some of the Labor and Delivery staff along with their Women's Health Services manager, Jennifer Cord RN, MSN. At the conclusion of my visit I had toured the OB unit, met staff from all over the hospital and made the CEO blush...well I think my work here is done! Thanks to everyone at Provena for the hospitality and for sharing your home with me. We waited... the cold, wind, and rain didn't let up. So my wonderful coordinator phoned the parade committee and was informed many of the cars were canceling due to weather conditions. So much to my dismay I was not able to participate in the Holiday Parade. I plan on returning in the spring for more activities, just with better weather.

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