Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Veteran's Hospital in Danville,IL

Thursday, November 16th started out cold and wet! Not a good day for a Christmas Parade, but we held out hope that the weather would clear long enough to ring in the holiday season. Of course a girl's gotta have breakfast right?! Well I was introduced to a special doughnut shop the "Royal Donut". Yeah, quite an appropriate name...I took home a whole box for my family to enjoy. The angels are TO DIE FOR good!!! My first stop of the day was at the Veteran's Hospital in Danville, IL. Both of my grandfathers were World War II veterans along with several other family members having served our country or are still in active service. My Grandpa Boose is such a humble man and a true American Hero. We are sooo proud of him! Not only was he awarded several medals including two bronze stars, but he came home and raised his family with my grandma. My boys think going to Great Grandpa Boose's house and looking at his "stuff" is "sooo cool". Oh the stories I could share about my grandpa...I'll save that for my memoirs. I had the opportunity to help serve the refreshments at the morning entertainment and tour the facility to visit with those unable to attend. I want to extend my deepest gratitude to the veterans I had the opportunity to meet. They are the real celebrities!! I was greeted with such warmth and made to feel very welcome and at home. We'll have to see how the rest of the day unfolds and if there is a parade....or not?

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