Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Our Gift Exchange

We were all so eager to share our contestant gifts with each other that everyday someone asked Batsheva "when are we exchanging gifts?". We had a pretty free morning this day and an afternoon full of rehearsal so we used part of our rehearsal time for the exchange. My gift was a small zippered bag that was personalized with each state titleholder's name, a little rhinestone, and lined with material that was red, white, and blue and the design was a repeated pattern of all of the state names. My very talented mother-in-law, Peggy and her friend, Jan, placed the lining and the embroidery personalization on each bag. It makes for a great make-up or sunglasses bag. I was so proud of what we had designed and created! The gifts were everything from a state pin to chocolates personalized with our individual photos. I think I could have eaten waaayy to may "spuds". They are these amazing treats of marshmallow center, chocolate, and coconut appropriately from Mrs.Idaho-Liz. The first photo is where we were autographing a memories poster from Mrs.Minnesota-Holly. So now we each have a Mrs.America poster with all of the Class of 2006 signatures. A very special keepsake! The next photo is with Mrs.Alabama-Monica during the gift exchange. What a beauty! She was in my personal Top Ten selection. The last photo is of Mrs.Indiana-Brielle, myself, Mrs.Idaho-Liz, Mrs.Hawaii-Peblz, and Mrs.Georgia-Robin prior to digging in and opening our goodies.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum

Following the morning at Old Tucson Studios we traveled to the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum. We were divided into groups and some of the ladies toured were allowed "behind the scenes". Mrs.Connecticut-Billie Jo, was super excited to show us a snake skin she had been given by the staff. It was still intact and quite long. Needless to say Billie Jo has a love of reptiles. Upon arriving we toured the area in 2 groups and shopped while the "behind the scenes" girls enjoyed the rest of the museum. The first photo was taken at a beautiful location at the Desert Museum. The next photo is while we were still at Old Tucson Studios where we were treated to an ice cream treat. It is always a good day for me when chocolate ice cream is involved. The next photo is with Mrs.Idaho-Liz, we had just purchased silver and turquoise bracelets. The last photo is with Mrs.Kentucky-Shawn in front of one of the giant saguaro cactus. That evening it was back to the resort for dinner and rehearsals.

Old Tucson Studios, Mon. Aug. 28th

The Old Tucson Studios promised a morning of entertainment...little did I know I would be part of the show. Upon arriving at the Studio we paused for photos and a large group shot. We were also taped as a group saying "Welcome back to the Mrs.America pageant in Tucson, Arizona!" and several other little soundbites that could be used later in the editing process. Walking into the property was literally like going back in time to the old west. The mountains in the background and the buildings looked so real. The movie Tombstone was filmed at this location. As we were taking our seats for a show they took volunteers for an activity. I had visited a little with one of the dancers on the way in the studios and she remembered I have a dance background. I was thrilled when she asked me to join them.
Off we went to learn how to Can-Can dance. Can't say that I had ever done that, anyway we changed into costume and began to learn the routine. I as surprised at how fast the tempo was and how quickly we all learned the dance. I absolutely loved it!! It was so energizing and fun. I don't know how those girls dance that all day long every day for the shows. That is some cardio workout. Then we enjoyed a wonderful meal on site and had time to relax and enjoy the scenery. Photos L to R: I took advantage of a photo op with a "real cowboy", I enjoyed the great food with Mrs.Montana-Cherith, Mrs.Arizona-Diane, and Mrs.Kentucky-Shawn...don't believe we don't eat just look at our plates, the next photo is of the entire group in front of the studio, and the last photo is of the Mrs.America ladies after we had danced the Can-Can.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Tucson Sidewinders Baseball Game

We had rehearsals with Frit and Frat during the afternoon of the 27th. Those two are so much fun! I loved my years of teaching and coaching dance, but I had forgot how challenging and rewarding it is to go through the process of learning. Later that afternoon we departed for the Tucson Sidewinders minor league baseball game. Once there we were escorted directly to the field to sing the national anthem. We were so lucky to have Mrs.North Carolina-Staci W. in our class to help us sound more polished and professional. I was so proud of how well we did! Most of us did not consider ourselves singers. Mrs.Arizona- Diane then threw out the starting pitch. Following this we were escorted to a Mrs.America Press Box where we enjoyed ballpark fare. Photos in order: On the Mrs.America bus with Mrs.Nebraska-Jennifer departing the resort, posing for a photo op with Mrs.Georgia-Robin, Mrs.Kentucky-Shawn, Mrs.Wisconsin- Shannon, Mrs.Minnesota- Holly, and myself prior to leaving for the game, this next photo was in the press box...we had a great view! The last photo is while we were on the field waiting to sing the national anthem.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Mayor's Brunch

The Mayor's Brunch was the morning of Sunday, August 27th. This was morning we presented our state gifts to Mayor Walkup of Tucson, Arizona. As the evening prior, each delegate introduced herself and the reason for her gift choice. We in turn were presented with an appreciation plaque for our accomplishments and contributions. The first photo is of Mrs. New Jersey- Christina, myself, and Mrs.Mississippi-Kristi at our table for the brunch. The next photo is after the brunch with Mrs.Idaho-Liz, we were waiting for our individual interview shoot to begin. You'll notice I am emailing friends and family trying to catch up on things at home. I was sending daily updates for my website, but that never quite worked out. The blog is definitely the way to go. The last photo is of my presenting the Illinois state gift to Mayor Walkup.

President's Dinner

Saturday started out with SLEEPING IN!!! I had a free morning since my interview shoot was scheduled for another day. I rested, fit in a workout, went to BA-Da-Bing tanning. Yeah, I know the sun is great in Arizona, but do you know how hot it is? I spent some time sunning, but became overheated very quickly. Thank goodness the pool was close by. The afternoon was reserved for rehearsals with Frit and Frat. That evening we enjoyed the President's Dinner hosted in the Ventana Room. We had an amazing meal and all of the ladies were so beautiful! The gown I chose is from the Fall 2006 Diva Collection for Alyce Designs and one of the generous prizes from my state title. How often in "real life" do we have the opportunity to dine in evening gowns...? In the first photo Mrs.Missouri-Lanie B. and I were taking advantage of a photo opportunity together. The next photo I am presenting my state gift to Mr. Mike Dominguez, Director of Marketing for the Ventana Canyon Resort. Each year the delegates bring two gifts to Mrs.America, one for the host city's mayor and the other for another dignitary. I chose to take a gift certificate from Eli's Cheesecake in Chicago. I thought maybe he and his wife could order from the catalog and enjoy it together. The final photo is during dessert with the ladies from my table. The ladies in the photo are L-R: Mrs.Georgia, Mrs.Washington, Mrs.North Dakota, Mrs.California, Mrs.Hawaii, Mrs.Delaware, Mrs.Wyoming, and Mrs. Missouri. This is one of those events where I would look around the room and think "I am really at the President's Dinner". I know we were all excited and honored to be at this event.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Aug 25th, Fox Theater Red Carpet Event

The evening of the 25th we were transported in our "Mrs.America" bus to the fabulous Fox Theater for a viewing of Breakfast At Tiffany's. This may sound crazy, but I had never actually watched this movie from beginning to end. Sure I had seen bits and pieces, but never the whole thing. I was quite surprised at some of the social issues they addressed. Turns out it has some of my favorite old tunes in it. Anyway, we arrived to the real "red carpet" reception with a crowd and photographers. They were most excited to see their hometown girl, Mrs.Arizona Diane Tucker. Much to my surprise there was a lovely family from Illinois in the crowd cheering for me! I even had the opportunity to stop and speak with them for a few minutes. Upstairs we were treated to a reception and had a little time to visit with each other. We then were invited on stage to introduce ourselves and then ushered to our special seating. After the trail ride, barrel racing, and this beautiful evening I was exhausted. The bus ride back to the Ventana Canyon Resort was always much quieter following a full day of activities. Photos L to R: The marquee as we arrived at the Fox Theater, Making my "red carpet" entrance, and enjoying the reception with Mrs.Arkansas-Kim N., Mrs. Tennessee-Tracy P., and Mrs.Missouri-Lanie B.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Friday, August 25 at Tanque Verde Ranch

We met bright and early the next day to depart for the Tanque Verde Ranch where we would go on a trail ride, be treated to a cowboy breakfast, and have the barrel racing. I was so glad I packed a pair of jeans because they came in handy for this activity. Upon arriving at the ranch we were greeted and shown to what some might call the "loading dock". You literally mount the horse from the edge of a porch so it really was quite simple. We then took an approximately 30min trail ride into the mountains where a real cowboy breakfast was waiting. Ranch eggs, blueberry flapjacks, and lots of cold water!!! The eggs and flapjacks were very yummy, but I don't think it would have been possible to get too much water. After breakfast we rode back and those of us who were involved in the barrel races were given a new horse. As a team captain I was really excited to chose Mrs.South Carolina and Mrs.Kentucky. I figure the bluegrass state, surely she has been on a horse before. That was a good call. By the way it turns out we are all nurses. We were off the the races...for real. Ok, now my grandparents had a farm so I have ridden horses a fair amount. However, I did not barrel race. It was great fun and such a rush. I wanted to go again after my turn...only on a different horse. He had an entirely alternate plan to my own, needless to say my team did not win. It was the perfect way to see the beautiful terrain and landscape of Arizona!

First full day of Mrs.America

Thursday, August 24th was the first official full day at Mrs.America...SCREAM!!! All I could think is "I'm finally here!" The morning was devoted to rehearsing with the afternoon being for the Diapering Contest. We went in groups of 10 for a total of 5 winners. Then the 5 had one final competition for the fastest baby diapering. I won my group and made it into the final 5, with the fastest time of the day I might add. We were all so competitive. The adrenaline was pumping and our hands were shaking afterward. Mrs.Washington, who hasn't diapered a baby in 23 yrs, won with the best time. The scenery in Tucson is just breathtaking. I honestly expected it to be dry and brown. Much to my surprise everything was green and just bigger than life. From my first view of the mountains I fell in love with Arizona. Three of the above photos are of the Diapering Contest and the remaining one is prior to leaving for the Arizona Mayor's Convention where we were the surprise guests. The Saguaro cactus, which is the state cactus, in the photo is believed to be over 200yrs old. I had such a fun time at this function. The mayors were invited to dance with the delegate from his home state. I was delighted to find out there were several men and women from Illinois. Meeting everyone and having photos taken with supporters helped to make me feel at home. I had the opportunity to swing dance a few times with someone from near my hometown. This was a wonderful start to an amazing experience!

Friday, November 03, 2006

August 19th Mrs.Illinois Send-Off Celebration

Saturday, August 19th was my official send-off party at the Keller Convention Center in Effingham, IL. Now it was time to relax and just enjoy my friends and family. My husband, boys, and my parents hosted an amazing celebration to acknowledge the achievement of winning Mrs.Illinois and to wish me Good Luck at Mrs.America. There was a huge sign, delicious food, memories DVD, and tons of well wishers. The support and encouragement I recieved was truly overwhelming. Over 200 people attended this special event. The day went perfectly! The top photo shows my brother and sons enjoying the food, which was absolutely wonderful. The next photo I am cutting my Good Luck cake. The last photo is of Anji M. and myself celebrating what awaited me in Tucson. We were in the Top 5 together at the state pageant where Anji was the 3rd runner-up. What an amazing person to drive 4 1/2 hrs just to be here for my special day.

August 8th Miss Effingham County Fair Pageant

When it comes to a "storybook" setting for a county fair...Effingham County Fair is everything you would imagine and more. Of course they have the wonderful fair food including my personal favorite, a powder sugar topped funnel cake. Neon lights of the carnival rides reach up into the night sky while the grandstand is full of a cheering crowd watching the concert. While taking in the atmosphere you can't miss the livestock in the background. They have all of the elements that make it the best county fair in the state! I was honored when the Pageant Director Colleen G. invited me to serve as the judges escort, make an appearance during the pageant, and assist with the crowning. To be made a part of the Effingham County Fair was very exciting for me. The photos L to R: Taken with the contestants after the personal interviews at the Keller Convention Center. The ladies were all so polished and prepared. The next photo is of Julia W. who accompanied me at the pageant. She is one of my FAVORITE people in the world. My first year of directing the local Jr.Miss County Fair Julia was the winner. An amazing young lady who proves everyday that excellence can be achieved while maintaining balance and a genuine love of life. The remaining two photos are my assisting with the crowning and as I was speaking with Greg Sapp, the emcee and local radio personality, prior to announcing the new titleholder.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

July 21st at the Miss Clay County Fair Pageant

The evening of the Clay County Fair Pageant quite often presents the question "will rain or not". This year the weather held off just long enough to crown Samantha K. of Louisville as the new titleholder. Shortly after the announcement and crowning the weather could hold back no longer and a storm moved in. I am very proud of Samantha! In 2002 I directed the Jr. Miss Clay County Pageant and she was my 3rd titleholder. My how she has grown into such a lovely young woman. Samantha presented herself with such poise and grace during competition I had no question about how well she should finish. We have a rich family history at our county fair. Having learned so much about myself through 4-H and showing Polled Hereford Cattle it was such an honor to represent our county fair as the titleholder in 1994. In 2002 the fair board named the Fair Beef Barn in memory of my grandpa Cliff Cammon who had volunteered for over 50 years with the Illinois Association of Agricultural Fairs as Clay County Fair Beef Superintendent and for several years during the 70's and 80's as Fair Board President. Photos L to R: posing with my 7 yrd old niece Sydney as it began to rain, with the newly crowned Miss Clay Co. Fair 2006, I had the opportunity to get a quick shot with the 2006 Jr. Miss Clay County also, and then my absolute favorite photo...with my two guys Bay and Jackson. I have this in a frame that says "no ordinary mom". It was a gift from my close friend Libbie before traveling to compete at nationals. I kept this photo at my bedside while I represented Illinois at Mrs.America. My boys are so adorable!!!

July 2nd-4th at the National Anthem Project Roadshow at the Navy Pier in Chicago

Being in Chicago for the National Anthem Project Roadshow presented by Jeep and sponsored by The National Association for Music Education was an incredible experience. The 4th of July holiday weekend and the Taste of Chicago made it even more exciting! The amazing talent that graced that stage during my two days truly impressed me. In addition to the soloists we had the priviledge of hearing two beautiful girls 4 & 6 yrs old, several large groups and families, and a violinist who was only 7 yrs old playing and singing or national anthem. For me the most memorable was an older gentleman who sang the national anthem for the first time in his life. He told us how even though Chinese is his primary language he feels it is an honor to know and sing our national anthem. Photos L to R: Ok I'm not a soloist but I did sing with the NEMC volunteers to earn a medallion, What is a trip to Chicago without meeting the real "Mrs. O'Leary"?, when I asked for a photo with the sailors I got more than I had bargained for...thanks guys!, and the last photo is possibly my favorite. An adorable little boy visiting the Navy Pier with his family graciously posed with me for a quick shot. You'll notice the beautiful city in the background. I couldn't have asked for a more amazing experience. Thanks NEMC!!