Thursday, December 07, 2006

Mrs.America Finals

The night of finals had finally arrived. I really did enjoy every day and appreciated just being in the moment. Finals night was exciting, but in the full view of the whole 2 weeks it was only one night. When I think back and remember being in Tucson I think of the time with the other delegates. At meals, riding to Ba-Da-Bing for tanning, during rehearsals, and just experiencing this with 50 other women much like myself yet unique. It truly is a sisterhood and a bond that can not be duplicated. Thank You to my Mrs.Illinois family, amazing friends and co-workers, and most of all my family. All of you have helped me become who I am and encourage me to continue growing. I love you all! The first photo is during the dance number we spent 2 weeks learning...and then got cut! We were so frustrated. That dance was so fun and really showed our energy. I am on the front row in a turquoise suit second from the right. The next photo is the state costume presentation. I've explained that so I won't go into it again . The photo of us in evening gown is when we were taking the stage for the final results. I am standing on the main stage second from the right next to Mrs.Indiana-Brielle. The last photo is actually from the beginning of the pageant. This is the ending of the flag routine I have mentioned. Again, I am front row second from the right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You look absolutely amazing in all of your photos. I'm so jealous!!! It looks like you had a blast and enjoyed every bit of it! Becky L.