Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Rehearsal, Rehearsal, and more...Rehearsals!

This was our last full day of rehearsals and our last "real" day together as a group. After spending so much time with 50 other women it was a little sad to not have that constant time to be with each other. By now most of our families had arrived and we were trying to fit in some time with them. The first photo is of the second half of the group practicing the opening flag routine. Each state delegate carried the state flag of which she was representing. The second photo is a group of "us girls" relaxing and looking cool in our shades after flag rehearsal. They ladies are: Illinois, Delaware-Laura, Arkansas-Kim, Misssissippi-Kristy, and Tennessee-Tracy. The last photo is GREAT!! We were maxed out on rehearsals and ready for some sleep. The cool chic in the hat is Mrs. New Hampshire-Jessica, and the one in the front is Mrs.Indiana-Brielle.

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